Sunday, December 22, 2024

'67 C2 Sting Ray

Second generation Corvettes, the first of the Sting Rays, were produced from 1963 to 1967. I already have a model of a '63 C2, so appropriate to add a model of the final year, 1967, to the collection

And it's a roadster, and it's red (had to be!)

If I had to pick my favourite 'Vette model, it would almost surely be a C2 Sting Ray ...

Monday, December 2, 2024


Corvette were and are, of course, also used in racing, and here is a picture of a such a race car, based on the C6, the C6.R:

Needless to say I was keen to add a race 'Vette to the collection; here is my C6.R model.

Looks like Corvette generations will be represented by at least two models, doesn't it?

C8 'pink slip'

There is currently one 'Vette C8 model in the collection, and almost all the other generations are represented by two models .... Time ...