Sunday, December 22, 2024

'67 C2 Sting Ray

Second generation Corvettes, the first of the Sting Rays, were produced from 1963 to 1967. I already have a model of a '63 C2, so appropriate to add a model of the final year, 1967, to the collection

And it's a roadster, and it's red (had to be!)

If I had to pick my favourite 'Vette model, it would almost surely be a C2 Sting Ray ...

Monday, December 2, 2024


Corvette were and are, of course, also used in racing, and here is a picture of a such a race car, based on the C6, the C6.R:

Needless to say I was keen to add a race 'Vette to the collection; here is my C6.R model.

Looks like Corvette generations will be represented by at least two models, doesn't it?

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

A second C4

The C4 Corvette model I have in the collection is a cabrio, and regularly appearing on eBay are 1:24 models of C4 coupes ...

Some C4 'Vette coupes had a sunroof, and that's what the model I got has.

I did say the collection wouldn't remain at one from each generation ...

Monday, October 14, 2024

'62 Corvette as a 62nd birthday present

The 1962 Corvette was the last of the 1st generation, sporting a front and back end different from its predecessors.

Now I already have two C1 'Vettes in the collection (a '53 and a '57), so why add a third one? 

Well, I turned 62 earlier this year, was born in 1962, so a '62 car is one from my year of birth ... and if you want another 62 to add, that's the house number where we live ....

So I got this '62 Corvette as a birthday present when I turned 62 earlier this year. It's a Franklin Mint model, so heavier and more detailed than others. And yes, more expensive, but it was a birthday present, so, technically, I didn't break my '~£25 rule' (it was £49.95 on eBay, if you want to know).

A very nice and appropriate birthday present!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

2009 Stingray concept car

It's been quite a while since I added a 1:24 Corvette model to the collection ..... There were reasons for that, and now it's time to remedy it!

In 2009, Corvette produced a Stingray concept car.

Clearly, they were thinking then of bringing the Stingray name back, which actually happened with the C7 in 2014.

And, lucky for me, there is a 1:24 model of this concept car on the market.

The first Corvette with butterfly doors!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

1953, birth of the Corvette

My original plan for the Corvette collection was to have one model per generation, but the very first Corvette is special, so I decided to add one model from that first generation to the '57 model I already have (my rules, I can break them when I want!).

Of course, the model had to be white, just like those first 300 produced in 1953 were ...


Monday, March 18, 2024

Corvette C8

And with the eighth generation of the Corvette, we've arrived at the final generation (for now, that is). This most recent Stingray has been produced from 2019 onwards.

Fair number of 1:24 models of a C8 Corvette on eBay, so I could pick and choose the colour I wanted. Went for a bright blue one, as I don't yet have a bright blue model in the line-up.

So that means that with C1, C2, C3, C4C5, C6, C7, and now of course C8, I've got a 1:24 model of every Corvette generation in the collection. 

Now I would be deluding myself if I thought the collection wouldn't be expanded beyond these eight ... 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Corvette C7

Seventh generation Corvettes were produced from 2014 to 2019, and brought back the Stingray name!

There aren't that many 1:24 models of a C7 'Vette on the market, but it didn't take that long to get my hands on one.

One more to go and I'll have a 1:24 model of every Corvette generation ... watch this space!

Monday, March 4, 2024

Corvette C6

Sixth generation 'Vettes were produced from 2005 to 2013.

For some reason, there were very few C6 Corvette models available on eBay; I finally found this one in Italy ... 

Corvette design has now moved away from the hidden headlights of generations 2 to 5.

Collection is nicely building up, generations 7 and 8 to go!

C8 'pink slip'

There is currently one 'Vette C8 model in the collection, and almost all the other generations are represented by two models .... Time ...